Dobells exhibtion continued
Spencer said his favorite item of the show was the record shop box as you could see where over the years customers had pressed up against the box looking at records. (Photo Geoff Francis)
In conversation with Kate from the gallery she told me her friend had some jazz mags which had a High In the Basement advertisement from 77 records and a separate ad for the jazz film All Night Long. I had the LP and it ended up in the display cabinet next to the related magazine advertisement. One afternoon an exhibition viewer Michael Pointon and I were talking and he said he used to work for the Rank film company . He had taken down film negative prints used on the LP cover to Dobells to ask if they would use for a display in the window with the LP - they did.
A Contract letter in the display cabinet caught the eye by Mike Peters at the preview who because excited at seeing it after all these years.
Rick Antill who was one of the Dobells inner circle was well chuffed at the photograph with his father, John Antill, a fashion photographer . ( Photo Brian Peerless)
Dylan connection is well established via his appearance the album Dick Farina & Eric Von Scmidt. I only imagined that it would only be the LP cover in the exhibition. At the last moment Brian Peerless turned up an infamous poster of the album which had been turned in an artist statement of anarchy using the word "shit" on the poster. Of course on that day you could not get away with that for your publicity. The other connection is with the The doubles record bag image of LP covers which includes the Bob Dyaln album Highway 61 Revisited which has a track called ‘Ballad Of A Thin Man’ (said to be about Max Jones, a jazz journalist when Dylan was stuck in London in 1962). Val Wilmer supplied a photo of Max Jones for the exhibitor. She fondly recalled Max as an important mentor to her. (Photo Val Wilmer)
I had been in contact with David Redfren re- photo’s for the exhibition but his collection had been sold to Getty. Donald from Chelsea Space knew David well and David managed to find an old box set of hand printed photographs from the 1967 Newport Jazz Festival which had been for sale at Dobells. Donald had always wanted to get David in to do talk but never has a pre-text to do it. Dobells and the photo’s were the answer. (Photo Chelsea Space)