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Keith Randall
Taylor's, an excellent establishment. My dad bought Hot Club 78s there 1937-1939 and he introduced me to the place in 1962. I spent a lot of time and money there. Had I been more 'on the ball', I probably could have ordered deletions from them.

Dave Harwood
16 Feb 2024 at 07:08
I found this advert in the 'Sports Argus' dated 22nd January 1972:
“W. J. TAYLOR (DOMESTIC SUPPLIES) LTD. 126/128 HAWTHORN ROAD, KINGSTANDING, BIRMINGHAM B44 8QA. Telephone: 021-373 2645/6. Invite you to pay us a visit to our new Hi-Fi Studio, opening on Monday, 24th January, at 10 a.m. by the well known TV and Radio star LES DAWSON.”



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