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Tony Langford
13 Jan 2024 at 05:52
Percy Wheeler started the Wheelers, around 1952 at 2 Tower Street Corner, previously he was a manager at Murdochs, a well established multiple situated 19 High Street c1953. Television sales were just beginning to take off in the area, the PYE V4 and V7 models with Automatic Contrast Control (AVC) were popular
Then in the 60s, came Anglia Independent TV, and also the new way of having a TV set via Rental. Business was booming.
The aerial crews worked hard, sometimes erecting around eight aerials each day. Then in the evenings then go out to homes to fit new coils into the TVs and tuning customers TV sets ready for the start-up of Anglia TV.
In the 1960’s, Wheeler’s of Tower Street Corner, the radio, television and record dealers opened a branch at Nos 17 dealing in Television Rentals. This shop was closed by 2007. In 1961, he opened another shop at no 19 the High Street that dealt only in Records, Record Players, Radiograms, musical instruments and sheet music. The shop at no 19 closed in 1973.
Wheeler’s also had branches in Sutton Bridge and at 73 Westgate,Hunstanton.



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