Name: Mary Hollamby Comment: Does anyone remember the record department in WH Smith in Maidenhead precinct, 1970s? It used to be upstairs, my friends and I used to 'live' in there! I bought Electric Warrior by T Rex there!
Name: Marilyn Willmott Comment: Yes I remember it, I got all the Moody Blues and Genesis albums on cassette from there. It wasn’t very big up there and it was usually quiet when I went in there. I loved it up there. I’m trying to remember if they had booths or machines to listen to records on but I cannot remember.
Name: Mary Hollamby
Comment: Does anyone remember the record department in WH Smith in Maidenhead precinct, 1970s? It used to be upstairs, my friends and I used to 'live' in there! I bought Electric Warrior by T Rex there!
Name: Marilyn Willmott
Comment: Yes I remember it, I got all the Moody Blues and Genesis albums on cassette from there. It wasn’t very big up there and it was usually quiet when I went in there. I loved it up there. I’m trying to remember if they had booths or machines to listen to records on but I cannot remember.