The downstairs punk den in the Virgin shop in Nottingham was the scene of my first forays. The shop gained notoriety when it was prosecuted for displaying a Never Mind The Bollocks poster and was successfully defended by John Mortimer. Comment alexio.
(May 16, 2013) Name said:The ground floor was for albums with headphone listening posts and you'd find singles in the basement. Downstairs was the place to be in the 77 punk years, the guys behind the counter would play you anything you wanted. I vividly remember the day of the Pistols God Save The Queen release where it and the b side were played non-stop. Rob
Alan Freeman
Also used to go regularly to Nottingham in the late 70s: Selectadisc, Virgin and other shops, occasionally to Birmingham (a couple of times to Derby, Sheffield, also MLM/Lotus Records, and then throughout the 80s was going to London once a month or so, trekking round the Record & Tape Exchange shops, Cheapo Cheapo and Low-Price in Soho, Rhythm Records, Honest Jon's etc.
I bet Clive Graham remembers well our enterprising days of the later 80s when we used to stay over it his place over a weekend and tie-in Morphogenesis gigs! Sometimes bought too many records to take back home on the train, so parcelled them up and sent them home! Amazing how many rare records we used to buy from R&TE/M&VE at 10p to 50p in their bargain basements. They were the days!