- Record Shop memories on wycombegigs.co.uk
Name: Keith Trott
Comment: Can anyone remember Ken's Records in Aldershot, Hampshire and Venus Records, Downing Street, Farnham, Surrey? Whatever happened to them?
I moved away from Farnham in 1986 and can remember visiting both shops regularly in the early eighties. I can't actually remember the street location of Ken's... would be interesting to know what's there now.
Two great record shops that sadly disappeared.
Name: Mr JLS
Comment: Prior to moving to Downing Street, Venus Records occupied a smaller unit at the eastern end of the Woolmead Centre, facing onto Woolmead Road. I believe it had a sudden closing down was at the end of the 1980s or early 1990s.
Ken's Records shop was, I believe, on the corner of Upper Union Street and Barrack Road. I was told that before it moved there it was run as a market stall somewhere else. Don't know what happened to it.
Name: City2
Comment: I worked at Venus Records in Farnham when it was in the Woolmead in the late 1970s. Worked at Venus Records Tunsgate, Guildford that sadly closed, then transferred to the Downing Street branch. Fantastic memories. That’s when record shops were record shops and not like they are today.
Shakin' Stevens shot part of a video outside.
... and this advert in the 28th November 1980 edition: “VENUS RECORDS 23 The Woolmead, East Street, Farnham. At least £1 off our Top Albums. A good selection of singles 7in. and 12in. Loads of Golden Oldies.”
... and this piece on page 1 of the same edition:
“Mr. Martin Alexander, manager of Venus Records of Farnham, also tipping John Lennon's latest album as the Christmas number one said: “The album will be number one and sales of the single are picking up. They could both be number one.”