- The Music Centre – 55 King Street – There in the late 60s, according to an advert in a Huddersfield Town v Arsenal football programme dated 06/02/1968 (online here: https://colinville.blogspot.com/2014/04/record-shop-advertisements-in-old.html and and also listed in 1969, 1973 and 1976 directories.
Dave Harwood
08 Dec 2023 at 09:51
I found this advert in the 'Huddersfield Daily Examiner' dated 5th March 1965: “MUSIC CENTRE! Your official “RADIO CAROLINE” RECORD SHOP for all TOP POPS you hear on RADIO CAROLINE - The Seekers - Wayne Fontana - Animals - Kinks - Rolling Stones, etc. THE MUSIC CENTRE 55 KING STREET, HUDDERSFIELD also at 4 BOND STREET, DEWSBURY.”
A-Z prev: The Music Centre (Manchester)
A-Z next: The Music Discount Centre