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'The Tatler' dated 20th August 1966:

“Other good places to go for classical second-hand discs are Harridges, 8 Moor Street, W1 (GER 7108) who buy up collections and review-copy records (they will not buy from individuals) and the International Collectors Agency, 20 Newport Court, WC2 (GER 8589).


Dave Harwood
06 Dec 2023 at 08:59
I found this listing in 'The Tatler' dated 20th August 1966:
“International Collectors Agency, 20 Newport Court, WC2 (GER 8589).”
Tony Langford
15 Jan 2024 at 01:13
The Collectors’ Shop: International Collectors’ Agency Ltd, 20 Newport Court, W.C.1
In his 1951 book, Record Collecting, Boris Semeonoff recalls visiting The Collectors’ Shop, it was a tiny shop dealing in second-hand records and a few gramophone accessories. There was a stall on the pavement outside of miscellaneous records priced from 1 shilling (5p) upwards. Inside the stock was classified into vocal, instrumental and orchestral sections and displayed in racks. Prices tended to be on the high side but nearly all the records were in first-class condition and choice rarities. There was a fascinating display of photographs, programmes, etc. The active partner, Arthur Shreve was an authority on the great singers of the past and on vocal art generally.



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