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Also attached is a ‘That’s Entertainment’ sticker. The shop was located in High Street, Croydon and I found a mention of it in Derren Brown’s ‘Confessions of a Conjuror’ at this link (you might have to scroll down to the orange bar to see the relevant text): Where he recalls honing his skills by making CD’s disappear from ‘That’s Entertainment’ music and video shop on his way to the bus-stop when he worked in Croydon in the late 1980’s. Also more record shop memories to be found Bygone Croydon


Dave Harwood
06 Sep 2023 at 02:20
I found an advertorial in the ‘Croydon Advertiser & East Surrey Reporter’ dated 26th September 1986:
“SO MUCH: A great selection of records, tapes, videos, CDs and computer games. It is the UK’s first complete home entertainment centre: “That’s Entertainment” at 68 High Street, Croydon.
I seem to recall that they later moved to the Drummond Centre, Croydon, next to the M&S Home store.



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