Stephen Carlsson-Overy
21 Jul 2024 at 06:28
A tremendous record shop. I bought many albums during the '80s. My memory is too vague to remember much more! Robust stuff!
Graham Maddrell
15 Jan 2025 at 04:07
I ued to get most if my Grateful Dead stuff from the shop by mail, it was a great outlet - That and Probe Records in Liverpool - for some of the difficult stuff to get. If memory serves me right when the Dead played Ally Pally in '74 I made sure I took time t actually vist the shop to say hello - thse were the days!!
A-Z prev: Terrace Gramophone Salon
A-Z next: Terry Blood
Name: Trevor
Comment: Before the shop in Crouch End was called Terrapin Trucking it was called English Weather and run by Uncle Beasty (Steve Burgess). I used to own/run The Azure Gallery just around the corner in Topsfield Parade. If anyone out there was around Crouch End in the early 1980s please email me at [email protected] because I would love to hear from you. Love and peace, Trevor.
(18 May 2012)
Name: Paul McAdam
Comment: I lived in Crouch End from the late 1980s through to 2013. I used to visit TT every week and usually managed to find something I wanted to buy. I missed it when it closed. There was Flashback Records later but it didn't have the character or uniqueness of TT.
(28 June 2014)
Name: Dave
Comment: I used to visit Terrapin Trucking in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Bought my Gentle Giant 'In A Glass House' T-shirt there. Didn't know it had closed down, I've been in the United States for some years.
(23 October 2013)
Name: Graham
Comment: I lived in Crouch End in the late 1980s and always enjoyed a visit to TT. I particularly liked the artist dividers in the record racks: the section for XTC was just labelled "Britain's Best Band" while the Richard Thompson records were identified simply by a divider marked "God". Each LP also had a short note attached extolling its virtues.
(13 January 2013)
Name: Geoff Soltau
Comment: I lived in Crouch End between 1985 and 1987. English Weather was an amazing shop; every single record had a hand-written description on the cover, often several paragraphs long... In the window was their motto: Dedicated to the Killing of Ugly Pop! Many happy memories.
(19 April 2015)
Name: Nige S
Comment: Where is Theresa, Princess of Darkness?? She work behind the counter in Terrapin Trucking... sorry, she was Terrapin Trucking!
(26 May 2015)
Name: Pete Tuck
Comment: I used to get stuff mail order from them. Mostly Man CDs. Although I lived in Harpenden, I never visited the shop which was only around 15-20 miles away! Was it Simon that had a music stall on St Albans market on Saturdays? And did they have a branch in Aylesbury? Lots of questions, sorry!
(8 September 2015)
Name: Mike Dixon
Comment: I remember Terrapin in three different locations in Crouch End: Park Road, Middle Lane, then Park Road again opposite the original site. Shopped there regularly from around 1988 until it closed. Remember Simon and Theresa, particularly her loudly slagging off the new Lemonheads album around 1993. The little artist synopses on the dividers were great -'John Martyn; the one who slurs his words'. Great shops and good memories. Andy Kershaw a regular customer too!
(5 February 2016)
Comment: Simon the big fella (still big) here, you can now find me and my vinyl along with my friend Ken's vinyl selection at Slim's Records, 12 St Albans Road, Barnet EN5 4JX.
Name: Niel Blackwood
Comment: Therese was my wife. Sadly she died in 2018 after a long cancer battle. She loved her time in TT and would be touched you remembered her x
Name: Simon Hart
Comment: Simon (the big fella) now runs his shop online at - links on the site to all manner of good things, would love to open Terrapin again but due to health issues it is online only, once again thank you all for your generous comments and just to write how shocked I was when I learned that Teresa had passed away, may she rest in peace, I am still in touch with Brian, the other chap in Terrapin and as we used to say, "We were not the only ones who did what we did, we were the only ones who did what we did."
Name: Peter Williams
Comment: Loved you guys at Terrapin; Simon, did you live in Eastcote near Northolt? I used to visit you around 1981 - Rockpalast Grateful Dead and of course Robert Hunter's Jack O'Roses, you guys put the thing together on Dark Star Records. You had a guy, Nick, who I remember giving a now extremely rare t-shirt XL of the 'Dead Go To Heaven' eagle on a white tee. I got some of the creamiest albums from you guys and CDs. The t-shirts, the tie-dyes, I miss the shop so much; it really was a one of a kind, almost like a record shop family dog. Posters, tees, stickers - you had it all. Stay happy and healthy, Simon! Love and light, Pete (Edgware)