I found this advert in the 'Portsmouth Evening News' dated 1st August 1902: “STORRY - Pianoforte & Music Warehouses (Oldest Established in the Town), 16, Palmerston Road, Southsea and 99, High St., Gosport.”
… and this in the 'Hampshire Telegraph' dated 19th December 1930: “STORRY'S – RADIO, PIANOFORTES, MUSIC, GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS. TORRY'S for Everything Musical. PALMERSTON ROAD, Branches at North End, Gosport, Southampton.”
… and also this in the 'Bognor Regis Observer' dated 6th December 1941: “STORRY'S (Chichester) Ltd. THE CREBER ROOMS, 83 NORTH ST., CHICHESTER. 'Phone 2853.”
… and this in the 'Hampshire Telegraph' dated 19th December 1930: “STORRY'S – RADIO, PIANOFORTES, MUSIC, GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS. TORRY'S for Everything Musical. PALMERSTON ROAD, Branches at North End, Gosport, Southampton.”
… and also this in the 'Bognor Regis Observer' dated 6th December 1941: “STORRY'S (Chichester) Ltd. THE CREBER ROOMS, 83 NORTH ST., CHICHESTER. 'Phone 2853.”