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Comment: I spent most of my dinner money and Saturday afternoons in Pratt's Market. Stop, Look and Listen advertised in the NME: "Thousands of Second Hand Records..."


Dave Harwood
18 Nov 2023 at 05:19
I found this advert in the 'West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser' dated 17th May 1984: “THE RECORD SHOP, PRATTS MARKET, FOUNDRY SQUARE, HAYLE. Quality Used LPs, Singles and Cassettes. Goudie Charles is pleased to announce that The Record Shop (trading as Stop, Look and Listen) has re-opened for counter trade on WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, from 10.30 am to 4.45 pm. LP's, Singles and Cassettes in GOOD condition, bought, sold and exchanged.”



Pratt's Market, Foundry Square TR27 Hayle / Cornwall & the Channel Islands
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