Dave Harwood
29 Nov 2023 at 08:54
I found this piece in the 'Edinburgh Evening News' dated 18th August 1992: “Sounds Records - On top of the world, we visited Sounds Records, and we mean that literally. After climbing those never-ending stairs, we found Sounds to be well worth the trek. Our first attraction had to be Ross Keddy, resident DJ kicking out some serious stompin’ grooves from the world of dance. ‘Sounds’ offers an awesome selection of 12in dance music with everything from Ragga-techno thro’ to some serious hardcore sounds, also for all you long fringes there is a selection of Indies and rock music available. Sounds’ staff are definitely veterans of the music industry, capable of giving excellent advice and a top class service. So, whether, it’s swinging your hair or serious stompin’, Sounds is well worth a visit.”
A-Z prev: Sounds Record Shop
A-Z next: Sounds Right