I found this announcement in the 'Hull Daily Mail' dated 9th September 1918: “This sign is now a registered TRADE MARK! It will stand for finest Gramophone Store Hull, and the Mecca of true music-lovers - where those who seek the best Records can always be certain of getting what they want at once. Sydney Scarborough, 26, Anlaby Road, HULL (Next to Turner and Drinkwater).”
… and this in the 11th September 1918 edition: “You'll find this Sign at ONLY ONE Address: 26, ANLABY ROAD! I want all Hull to associate this Trade Mark with that ONE ADDRESS. I want all Hull to know that S.S. HULL, is 26, ANLABY ROAD - the best Gramophone Shop in HULL.”
Dave Harwood
05 Dec 2023 at 11:18
I found this article in the 'Hull Daily Mail' dated 31st October 1927: “TWELVE YEARS AGO there was opened at 12 Anlaby Road, Hull, a modest little shop for the sale of gramophones and records. Believing that Hull's music-lovers deserved wider musical facilities than were then available it was decided as a result of lengthy investigations to concentrate upon the presentation of the Columbia range of gramophones and records. The first week the takings were £15, but by the Christmas of that year (1915) the little business had become established as one of the most promising musical institutions of Hull. Through the various stages of Columbia development, the store of S.S. Hull kept pace with amazing progress. First the no-scratch Columbia records, then the wonderful Grafonola of 1923, followed by the Columbia Electric Recording triumph in 1925, and finally the now famous scientific gramophone, the VIVA-TONAL COLUMBIA of the present day. Many, many times was the little shop crowded out with enthusiastic music-lovers anxious to see and hear some new Columbia achievement - taking advantage of facilities which had not before been available. For that support we are grateful. For the kindly encouragement offered by our friends we are especially grateful. TO-DAY we offer Hull a wonderful new gramophone salon in a more central and convenient position UNDER THE CITY HALL, and to celebrate the occasion we use the individual name of SYDNEY SCARBOROUGH.”
… and this in the 11th September 1918 edition: “You'll find this Sign at ONLY ONE Address: 26, ANLABY ROAD! I want all Hull to associate this Trade Mark with that ONE ADDRESS. I want all Hull to know that S.S. HULL, is 26, ANLABY ROAD - the best Gramophone Shop in HULL.”