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Reader Ed Harris says: “I grew up in the 1960s and started buying records seriously around 1969, when I was 14. In those days, the four main record shops in Liverpool were NEMS, Beaver Radio and Rushworth & Dreaper – all in Whitechapel – and a second branch of NEMS in Great Charlotte Street. In 1971, one of the first branches of Virgin Records opened in Bold Street..

Hello. I have unearthed (literally) an HMV gramophone. According to UK Vintage Radio network it's an HMV model 532 Superhet Ten Autoradiogram from 1931-32. Apparently it is a "Rare beast"

It has "Rushworth and Dreaper" engraved in gold inside the lid.

It is in terrible condition, having been in an old cottage for decades, and I have neither the time nor the expertise to try to restore it. I don't even know if it is worth restoring.

Can you point me in the direction of someone who might know a bit more and who could advise?

Michael O'Reilly



Dave Harwood
26 Feb 2024 at 09:17
I found this advert in the 'Chester Chronicle' dated 11th October 1958: “MEET the inimitable TONY BRENT in person at The New RUSHWORTH'S RECORD SALON, FOREGATE STREET, CHESTER next Thursday October 16th from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. Tony Brent will be pleased to autograph your Chosen Record.”
Dave Harwood
05 Dec 2024 at 04:05
I found this advert in the 'Liverpool Echo' dated 13th January 1930: “RUSHWORTH & DREAPER, Radio & Gramophone Specialists, 11-17, ISLINGTON, LIVERPOOL.”



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