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One of the furthest West of all of the Brighton & Hove record shop listings, as this was located virtually opposite Portslade Station. Rik Taub started Vinyl Demand in Brighton with Geoff Finch around 1978. The partnership didn’t last long in the scheme of things and Rik opened his own shop in Portslade. This ran for many years and then he moved to 4a Station Street, Lewes, BN7 2DA and became Rik’s Disks. The Lewes store is now Si’s Sounds.

Name: phat chief
Comment: If I knew then in 1994 what I know about metal now, I could make a mint by buying up what are now classic albums by the likes of Voivod, Confessor and such like.

Name: Michael Bradshaw
Comment: Rik started Vinyl Demand in Brighton with Geoff Finch around 1978. The partnership didn't last long in the scheme of things, and Rik opened his own shop in Portslade. This ran for many years... until he tired of the exotic confines of West Hove and moved to Lewes... opening another great little shop.

I sold a few bits to Rik over the years. One of the most honest guys in the business - and one of the nicest. Not sure what he's up to now but still see him at the Brighton Record Fair most months.
(22 February 2015)




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