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Name: Dan Ritchie
Comment: Talking of old record shops in Lancaster, I've just been flicking through a box of unsorted 7"s and was reminded of Simmons. It was on Common Garden Street. Sold really crap instruments and amps too.

Name: Brian Simister
Comment: My Mam bought me a Dansette record player from the Great John Street shop when I was 15. I got it home, the turntable went round, but no sound. Took it back, got charged £6 to fix it, got it home, still no sound. My uncle had a look and found we didn't have the volume switched on. Thick or what? Paid six quid for nothing!

Dave Harwood
20 Nov 2023 at 03:48
I found this advert in the 'Lancaster Guardian' dated 2nd December 1955: “R. SIMMONS, RECORDS and PIANO SPECIALIST, 14 GREAT JOHN STREET, LANCASTER.”



14 Great John Street LA1 Lancaster / Lancashire
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