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Comment: Prides Records & Tapes began life as Norman Pride on 15 Appleton Gate, Newark. I've found the shop listed in a phone directory as early as 1966 (the imagination runs wild with some of the interesting things they would have stocked!). I recently found a 1978 'Original Tropicana Steel Band' album in a charity shop with an old Norman Pride sticker which prompted this whole investigation!

When St Mark's Place was built and opened in 1978 (an outdoor shopping precinct and multi-story car park), the business then moved to 7 St Mark's Lane when it became just 'Prides Records & Tapes'. This is the venue I remember as a kid. I remember an in-store signing from The Jets in 1981 for the Yes Tonight, Josephine single. Prides was my first introduction to a record shop and one of the major sources of my record collection. It was the first place I saw a picture disc and a CD!

In late 1986 Prides ceased trading. The shop in 7 St Marks Lane, Newark then became R&K Records. One of the former Prides employees, Richard, bought the shop and changed the name to R&K Records. I believe 'K' was his wife Karen who also worked in Prides. I remember going into the shop around this time to buy Iggy Pop's Real Wild Child 12" and the shelves were alarmingly empty. The only stock was chart singles and albums. I now understand that this was the transitional stage between Prides and R&K.

Name: Russell Smith.
Comment: Although the Lincoln store had a distinct chain feel the staff were really good. Without prompting they saved and gave me any Kinks promos and promotional literature that came their way. They also gave me the interview double album that was promoting Elvis Costello's Imperial Bedroom album - which if I recall correctly was autographed.

Name: Mel Vickers
Comment: I worked for Prides. Firstly at the Newark branch starting just after they moved to the St Marks Lane address. The owners were Mario & Lynne McCafferty. The Lincoln branch was the second store to open and I then became manager at Newark. Once the Grimsby store opened I became Mario's backup and spent time travelling between the three stores. We also had a store at Grantham for a brief time.
(21 April 2014)

Name: Guy Carling
Comment: I worked at Pride in Grimsby in 1984/85. After I left I helped out every now and then... didn't get paid cash, but got an album for each day I worked!

Name: Martyn Cain
Comment: Another of my haunts from the family holiday of August 1986, the one 12" single I bought is worth a fortune now, sadly only visited once but would have loved to have gone back!


Dave Harwood
20 Nov 2023 at 11:14
I found this classified advert in the 'Grimsby Daily Telegraph' dated 20th June 1983: “PRIDE RECORDS require a MANAGER/MANAGERESS to run their Riverhead Centre shop. Suitable applicants should be between the ages of 22 and 30 and should have previous retail experience in a managerial position. Please apply giving full details to Mrs McCafferty, Pride Records & Tapes Ltd., 7 St Marks Lane, Newark, Notts.”
Dave Harwood
07 Sep 2024 at 12:39
I found this advert in the 'Newark Advertiser' dated 24th December 1966: “NORMAN PRIDE, Newark's leading Record dealer, APPLETONGATE, NEWARK. Telephone 2653.”



15 Appleton Gate NG24 1JR Newark / Nottinghamshire
7 St Marks Lane NG24 1XS Newark / Nottinghamshire
Riverhead Centre DN31 Grimsby / Lincolnshire
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