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Plastic Surgery [Records] which started out as a plain record shop and then changed to a specialist dance record shop, before disappearing. Comment: Frazer from Kent

(Mar 28, 2013) Neil from Kent said:I believe there were two of these shops in Maidstone, one was a standard record shop the other provided dance/rap stuff. Both disappeared in the '90s I believe or maybe a short while after.

Name James Corbett Comment: I used to go to this shop in the late 80s. I always felt that it was a goth record shop for some reason. I also remember regretting selling them a load of Pink Floyd rarities. They gave me the old "we won't be able to get much for these" line. I then saw them all on display for big money a couple of days later! (May 5,2017)

Phil Kent
Due to my brother being nearly a decade older than me, I knew of Plastic Surgery from the early or mid-80s. By the early 90s, it was owned (or managed -?) by a sexy guy called 'Dave', who I stalked every day after school (I was a 'Vinter's Girl', which made it nice and convenient). He had a black, shortish mohican, tight leather trousers... and was just the creamiest thing I'd ever seen!

A year or so after I left school in 1994, the 'dance' shop in the square on the other side of Union Street had opened, and the original shop (and Dave) vanished.
Having been round the block a few times now, I miss with all my heart the excitement and electricity I felt when I saw or thought about 'Dave'... even though my shyness and stupidity meant I kicked myself out of embarassment every time I saw him. Why does sex have to get dull and easy to come by?

Dave, if you're still out there... the goth girl with the big tits (who sent you Valentine's cards... AND STILL TREASURES THE XMAS CARD YOU SENT ME!!!!...) still holds electric memories of you, and... even though I'm a bit long in the tooth now... hey, I'm still up for it! :) xxx (2019)

Dave Harwood
26 Sep 2023 at 02:29
"Plastic Surgery has now closed down, although Plastic Surgery Too (dance music) is still open in Starnes Court" - from 'The Knowhere Guide to Record Shops in Maidstone, Kent' at this link:
Dave Harwood
16 Nov 2023 at 08:51
I found this advert in the 'Chatham News' dated 25th June 1993: “22 UNION STREET, MAIDSTONE, KENT ME14 1ED. TELEPHONE: (0622) 681962. PLASTIC SURGERY RECORDS. WE ALSO SELL T-SHIRTS AND POSTERS.”



22 Union Street ME14 1ED Maidstone / Kent
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