29 Sep 2023 at 04:22
I remember buying a Diamanda Galas CD from here out of a bargain bin in the late eighties. The chap behind the counter tried to warn me against buying it but I was young and foolish.
A-Z prev: Our Price (Gloucester)
A-Z next: Our Price (Horsham)
Name: Jason Larkin
Comment: Judging by the name and window display I’d say that’s c.1984-85. There was also a discount Our Price CD shop next door just before it moved into the Octagon. Both units then operated as a bargain bin shop getting rid of all the overstocks and sleeveless stock for the whole Our Price chain. Loved working for Our Price.
Name: VIan Folkard
Comment: Bought my first 7” single there - Darts' Boy from New York City.