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Comment: Offbeat had an interesting system whereby if you sold them your old records they would give you a cut if and when they got sold.

They also sold those "Hull, North of Manchester" t-shirts briefly popular in 1990.
(4 January 2014)


Dave Harwood
13 Nov 2023 at 03:12
I found this piece in the 'Hull Daily Mail' dated 24th May 1988: “Aptly-named Offbeat Records promises to be a veritable treasure-trove for those in search of hard-to-find indie label material. The newly-opened specialist outlet is run in conjunction with the neighbouring Function One clothes shop off High Street in Hull’s Old Town.”
… and this advert in the 6th June 1988 edition: “WANTED Secondhand Records. Best deal in town! Offbeat Records 43 High Street (in Hull’s Old Town). Tel: 225328.”
… a different address in the 29th October 1997 edition: “... Offbeat Records 24 Anlaby Road, KuH.”
… and this change of address in the 22nd October 1999 edition: “... Offbeat Records (now in North Church Side, behind the market).”



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