I went to school at Eletham Green there used to be a really good record shop at the very top of the High Street past the fire station also Norman's the musical instrument shop used to sell records as well although at the time the bloke who ran it was a miserable git, wouldn't play any tracks and certainly wouldn't let us anywhere near the guitars. As I got older I always vowed never to buy anything in there and never have....silly really. I still recall the tingle of buying an LP, getting home, putting it on the record playing and then reading the sleeve notes whilst it played. The download generation will never understand that thrill.
Dave Harwood
07 Jun 2023 at 10:31
Hermlyns was at the top of Eltham High Street, fantastic record shop with all its listening booths and great choice of vinyl. Norman's Music was at 32 Well Hall Road, Eltham.
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