This advert in the 'North Wales Weekly News' dated 17th July 1958 refers to Meltrope Cloths:
“GRAMOPHONE RECORD DEPT. Extensive Selection of Popular and Classical recordings on Standard, E.P. and L.P. Records. PROMPT ATTENTION TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Record Players from £10.10.0 always in stock - available on Cash or Easy Terms. Emitex and Meltrope Cloths - Needles, Styli, Disk-Roks and Emitapes. KERFOOTS, STATION ROAD, COLWYN BAY. Telephone: 3354.” ... plus KERFOOTS department store isn't listed on BRSA so you might like to add it.
“GRAMOPHONE RECORD DEPT. Extensive Selection of Popular and Classical recordings on Standard, E.P. and L.P. Records. PROMPT ATTENTION TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Record Players from £10.10.0 always in stock - available on Cash or Easy Terms. Emitex and Meltrope Cloths - Needles, Styli, Disk-Roks and Emitapes. KERFOOTS, STATION ROAD, COLWYN BAY. Telephone: 3354.” ... plus KERFOOTS department store isn't listed on BRSA so you might like to add it.