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Dave Harwood
19 Aug 2023 at 09:36
I found an advert in the Aberdeen Evening Express (dated 8th February 1943) that mentions J. & A. MARR, and other dealers in Aberdeen:
“WANTED URGENTLY! YOUR OLD GRAMOPHONE RECORDS are required to help produce new ones. Any quantity accepted of Columbia, Parlophone, Regal-Zonophone, Zonophone, Decca, Brunswick, Rex, Panachord, Vocalion or Beltona. IT'S URGENT! An allowance will be paid by the following dealers: GEORGE M. BOWMAN, 349 Union Street. J. & A. MARR, 11 Bridge Street. C. BRUCE MILLER & CO., 51-53 George Street. NEIL & CO., 45 Queen Street. PATERSON, SONS & MARR WOOD, LTD., 183 Union Street.”



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