I found this advert in the 'Northampton Chronicle & Echo' dated 9th March 1925: “WELLINGBOROUGH - For Columbia Grafanolas: Herberte Jordan, Victoria Road.”
… and this piece in the 'Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph' dated 9th January 1939: “His Master’s Voice Records are stocked by Palmers’ Music Stores, Paul Taylor, and Alf. Bailey, Kettering; Ireson's Music Stores, and HEBERTE JORDAN, Wellingborough; and Fraser, Son and Mackenzie, Ltd., Rushden.”
… and this piece in the 'Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph' dated 9th January 1939: “His Master’s Voice Records are stocked by Palmers’ Music Stores, Paul Taylor, and Alf. Bailey, Kettering; Ireson's Music Stores, and HEBERTE JORDAN, Wellingborough; and Fraser, Son and Mackenzie, Ltd., Rushden.”