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It has been put forward to me that Hanningtons apparently sold records, although I have no recollection of this. They were once the premier department store in town, and Smith Hannington opened his first shop in North Street in 1808. They gradually grew and purchased adjacent buildings to match their growth. At its height in the mid 20th century, the department store occupied a sizable chunk of the South side of the street and continued to do so until its closure in 2001. The buildings have now been converted into individual shops and offices.

(Update: Anthony Squires 31.03.20 – “Yes, Hanningtons definitely sold records – at least in 1980. I remember buying the 2 x 7″ double packs of the ‘Generals and Majors’ and ‘Towers of London’ singles by XTC (on separate visits) from a box on the counter where they had ex-chart singles at a reduced price”). (Update: Barry Parks 13.04.20 – “Hanningtons definitely sold records – between the circular” water feature and a North Street entrance. It had listening booths too – listened to soundtrack of the film “Candy” in one”).


Dave Harwood
11 Dec 2024 at 09:21
I found this piece in the 'Worthing Herald' dated 2nd July 1927: “A large, handsome Showroom with audition room, in our Furnishing section at Nos. 10, 11 and 12, North Street, Brighton, has been fitted and stocked with a complete range of the latest models in His Master's Voice productions, including Portable Models, Table Grands and Horizontal Grands, equipped with all the latest improvements. We shall also stock thousands of RECORDS, embracing great music by Artists of International fame - operatic, orchestral, dance, vocal and instrumental. A complete 380 page Catalogue of these RECORDS will be sent free on application. We beg to extend to you a cordial invitation to pay periodical visits to this Department, to enable you to keep in touch with the latest developments of the Gramophone world, which is daily becoming more and more interesting. Catalogues Post Free. HANNINGTONS LTD., BRIGHTON.”
Martin Williams
04 Feb 2025 at 12:14
I was working in 1990for a record importer/distributor and would go and see the buyer once a month at Hanningtons



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