Name: Iain
_Comment: Brilliant shop. Used to love going through the 75p 12-inch section. Got my first CDs there too. Also remember the top 100 singles on the counter in a big rack. You could scan through looking for the double packs, picture dics etc.
_(16 April 2014)
Name: Anthony Hart
_Comment: I lived just round the corner from The Golden Disc when they opened their first shop in Southchurch Road in 1973. I remember seeing Uriah Heep's first LP in the window and bought it largely because of the cover. Good record though and I became a fan, saw them live a few times.
I bought quite a few records (mostly albums) from the stores during the 1970s " nocookie=1 params="&modestbranding=2&rel=0&enablejsapi=1" >Every Day Is Like Sunday video by Morrissey was filmed in The Golden Disc in Queens Road, Southend-on-Sea. At one point it had four branches(!) in Southend-on-Sea, before consolidating to one big shop then selling to HMV in the early 1990s. I bought very many of my most treasured records in my formative years from The Golden Disc.
Name: Iain
Comment: Brilliant shop. Used to love going through the 75p 12-inch section. Got my first CDs there too. Also remember the top 100 singles on the counter in a big rack. You could scan through looking for the double packs, picture dics etc.
(16 April 2014)
Name: Anthony Hart
Comment: I lived just round the corner from The Golden Disc when they opened their first shop in Southchurch Road in 1973. I remember seeing Uriah Heep's first LP in the window and bought it largely because of the cover. Good record though and I became a fan, saw them live a few times.
I bought quite a few records (mostly albums) from the stores during the 1970s & 1980s, all of which I've still got.
I rather fancied one of the girls who worked behind the various counters. Slim and absolutely beautiful, I'd occasionally catch her glancing at me but I thought she was way too good for me so I never got up the courage to chat to her. I've wondered over the years what became of her.
Rock & pop becoming, as it did, a big part of my life it's good to know that The Golden Disc will, hopefully, always be remembered, as it should be.
(31 October 2016)
Name: Philip Sanders
Comment: I. Love. Golden. Disc.
Name: Andy Penn
Comment: The blonde girl who used to work there was named Julie, she used to live in Hockley. I was always invited to her parties, there was another girl, also a 10, who went on to work in the perfumery in Keddie's.
Name: Graham Burnett
Comment: The Golden Disc was also immortalised by local 'power pop' band The Records' single 'Girl From The Golden Disc'.
I used to stop off at the Southchurch Road shop on my way home from school (early 70's). I have a vague memory that the lady there who guided my musical taste was called Karen, she used to lend me records which I would later pay for with the wages from my Saturday job at Sketchleys in Hamlet Court Road. I still have most of those albums, and probably 7 of my "10 albums that define the person you are today" came from there...
The hours I spent in that shop just browsing. It helped that they had the most gorgeous girl working behind the counter too c1985
I remember meeting Chas & Dave there when I was a child!! They were doing some sort of signing I think
Gemma Breadon
Yes, whatever caught my eye in HMV I would buy in Golden Disc instead as it was cheaper! Oh the good old days...
Karen Dunmore
I use to love this shop! Spending my pocket money on cassettes 🤣🤣🤣
Steve Johnson
Spent many a lunch time plus in there
Became good friends with Neil the manager a big level 42 fan and SUFC fans
Gemma Breadon
Yes, whatever caught my eye in HMV I would buy in Golden Disc instead as it was cheaper! Oh the good old days...
Karen Dunmore
I use to love this shop! Spending my pocket money on cassettes 🤣🤣🤣
Steve Johnson
Spent many a lunch time plus in there
Became good friends with Neil the manager a big level 42 fan and SUFC fans
Gemma Breadon
Yes, whatever caught my eye in HMV I would buy in Golden Disc instead as it was cheaper! Oh the good old days...
Karen Dunmore
I use to love this shop! Spending my pocket money on cassettes 🤣🤣🤣
Steve Johnson
Spent many a lunch time plus in there
Became good friends with Neil the manager a big level 42 fan and SUFC fans
I worked here around 86/87 - when it was the larger store. Was in the blank tapes and record needles dept which then became the brand new CD dept! We only had about half a dozen at the beginning lol Lots of happy memories of that place tho
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