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Comment: In the 1970s and 1980s there was a great second-hand record shop in the Merrion Market (underneath the Merrion Centre) called Gerol's (or Gerrol's - can't quite remember). Does anyone remember this?

Name: Martin Handley
Comment: I remember it well. It was close to the Merrion Market exit, outside of which was the entrance to the Merrion Hotel. I bought endless singles and albums from Gerol's. He seemed to know his stuff in terms of what was valuable and what was 'tat'. He seemed always to have a younger mate in the store with him on my Saturday morning visits. I was a regular at the nearby bowling alley at the time and couldn't forgo a visit to Gerol's to see if anything new of interest had found its way onto the racks.
(29 February 2015)

Name: Peter Higginbotham
Comment: Gerol's was run by two guys (brothers?) Gerald and Roland. I got some great stuff from there including a white-label demo pressing of The Beatles' Please Please Me for a quid! Happy days.
(27 April 2017)

Name: Gerald North
Comment: Gerol's Records, that's me. I opened the shop with my brother Roland, so we came up with the name... Gerol's Records - both our names are in there.
Happy hunting - now living in Cornwall.

Name: John Hardman
Comment: That was a great place, I bought a lot of quality reggae and punk from Gerol's, a guy with curly hair, always knew his stuff. A great record stall/shop.


Martin Buckle
14 Jan 2024 at 06:58
Just listening to a vinyl album of Ginger Baker bought in 1976 at Gerol's Records for 75p!
Tony Sutton
19 Mar 2024 at 05:56
Gerol's is where my vinyl buying life began. I think in 1982, when I was 14, and just getting into prog. Bought many of my 'first' albums from Gerol's. Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Led Zep., Beatles, Dylan the list goes on. I still play Duke, The Lamb, Beatles Red album, and many others bought there.
Probably every Saturday lunchtime from 1982 to 1986 (?). Gerol's, Jumbo, and the one in the 'street' back of the Merrion Centre (just up from Morrisons)
Vic Flange
19 Jul 2024 at 05:09
I bought loads of records from Gerol's. Saturday morning in my mid teens I used to trawl all the record shops in Leeds.
I once went in and couldn't find a single thing I wanted so in desperation I bought a compilation album of unsigned synth acts. It was called Subtle Hints and is now worth a pretty penny. I still have it.
Thank you Gerald & Roland for many happy memeories.
27 Jul 2024 at 04:20
Gerol's was a great shop. I started going there to buy punk when I was about 12 and later found many treasures among the reggae tracks. I always looked forward to visiting and rarely went away empty handed...Gerald was a proper nice bloke and his prices were very decent too. I hope both he and Roland are keeping well
13 Sep 2024 at 03:59
Excellent shop in the indoor market bit of the Merrion center. Great for trading. I swapped bit by bit my vinyl collection against CDs as I was fed up with the fragility of records and had bought an early, now laughable, Pioneer player. My pals stuck to vinyl but were forever trading in the discs we had played to death against new (to us) sounds.



Merrion Superstore, Merrion Way LS2 8NG Leeds / West Yorkshire
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