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“Buy Your Records From Us We Have The Stocks!” An 8″ sleeve and the cabinet shown on it suggests a date of around 1925. The Hereford Street (W. Fish was a bootmaker at 23 Hereford Street in 1911) and Duke Street shops have been pulled down. The London Road shop was a confectioners in 1905, but Walter Fish was there until 1934, a “Wireless and cycle dealer” (London Gazette). The site is probably extant but the parade of shops are all now owned by Ponsfords.


Dave Harwood
10 Oct 2023 at 08:33
I found this notice in the ‘Sheffield Independent’ dated 1st February 1934: “Meetings of creditors took place at the office of The Official Receiver, Sheffield, yesterday afternoon. Walter Fish, residing and carrying on business at 593 London Road, Sheffield, wireless and cycle dealer, had unsecured liabilities of £417, and a deficiency of £1,215. He attributed his failure to the advent of wireless in the homes, and consequent decline in value of gramophones and records.”



154 Duke Street Sheffield / South Yorkshire
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