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Name: Peter Smith
Comment: This shop was very close to where I worked, and I often popped in during my lunch hour for a quick browse.I was chatting to the owner when he had decided to close down because of falling sales, and he told me he'd been there for thirty years; 1975-2005.

Name: David Fearon
Comment: Bought most of my albums here as a teen in the mid to late 1980s and early 1990s. Never knew the name of the chap who ran it but he was a nice bloke.

I seem to recall the shopfront sign originally incorporated a bat logo, but perhaps I dreamed it.

Sad the shop has gone now, but I do still have at least one vinyl album with the original 'Earfriend Records & Tapes' pricetag on it :-)


Dave Harwood
27 Aug 2023 at 07:17
I found an advert in the ‘Richmond Informer’ dated 16th September 1994:
“EARFRIEND COMPACT DISCS Records & Tapes 8 Broad Street 081-977 0348.”
... and on page 42 of ‘Music Week’ dated 7th December 1996 there is a ‘Behind The Counter’ section at the top of the page which has “John Carroll, Earfriend Records, Teddington”
Robert Silverton
16 Sep 2023 at 09:35
A friend of mine, Janet Greenhead, used to manage the shop in Cheam from 1977 till I don't know when. We used to work together at the Record Centre at Tooting Broadway in the early seventies. Had some great times there.
Simon B
02 Sep 2024 at 02:42
There was an Earfriend shop in Teddington as well, I found some great bargains there in my teens.
05 Oct 2024 at 05:57
I can confirm it had a bat logo, at least in the late 70s/early 80s.




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