Mark Studden
11 Jul 2023 at 04:12
Many's the time I stood outside Disc-N-Tape waiting for Graeme to show up to unlock on a Saturday morning! Cracking good record shop, and a great place to pick up bargains on CD whenever he had a clearout. Whenever Graeme was in a mischievous mood, he'd raise an eyebrow at what you'd asked him to order in and say, "You don't want to buy that. You really don't." Then he'd order it in for you while shaking his head. He was a perfect record shop owner who wouldn't bat an eyelid at my requests for him to get in five or six titles for me - no deposit asked for, no time limit on how long it took for me to show up to complete the transaction. I never let him down with my orders, and he always made a great effort to track down obscure stuff for me. We both owned cars with leaky targa roofs, so we also exchanged leak-proofing tactics in winter!
Dave Harwood
08 Jan 2024 at 06:55
I found this advert in the 'Bristol Evening Post' dated 28th December 1971: “RECORDS URGENTLY WANTED. Top price paid for LPs, EPs, 45s. Also urgently wanted LPs and 45s from 1950s and 1960s - Elvis, Buddy Holly, Beach Boys, etc. On the spot cash now at Disc-n-Tape, 17 Gloucester Road, Bristol (opp. Burtons) Tel. 422227.”
Andy Capostagno
26 Feb 2024 at 08:52
50% of my record collection comes from there. One night my mum came home to our flat in Cromwell Road. She was a pianist and had been to a dinner party where the host played an Art Tatum record. She loved it so much that the next day I went down to Disc-N-Tape to search for Art in the second-hand section. Came home with an album from the Pablo Complete Solo Masterpieces, put it on to check for scratches and settled down to be blown away. Soon I owned the complete set, together with the Group Masterpieces. Thanks to everyone at Disc-N-Tape who changed my life.
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Name: Matt Gilbert
Comment: I live near Disc-N-Tape in Bristol and bought singles on the way from school.
Name: Julian Stevens
Comment: Ah, that sticker alone brings back memories. I started shopping regularly at Disc-N-Tape in the late 1970s when I first moved to Bristol and then, with the advent of CD, the acquisition of the shop by Graeme Cornish, and my move to Bishopston, I used to buy something in there pretty much every Saturday. It was a good little shop.