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Dave Harwood
30 Jun 2024 at 09:04
I found this piece in the 'Aberdeen Evening Express' dated 2nd December 1971:
“SELF-SERVICE in grocers’ shops, paint shops and many others is becoming the watchword. But it is not so usual to find it in a record shop. Yet Chalmers & Joy Ltd., 203 George Street, Aberdeen, have taken this imaginative step. 'lt will be the second self-service shop for records in Scotland”, Mr. A. Chalmers, the proprietor, assured me. Naturally, such enterprise requires complete renovation of the existing premises. EMI Records (Shop-fitting and Display Division) accomplished this in two days. It shows what can be done. In pleasing surroundings, and standing on comfortable dark green carpet tiles, the customer can choose at leisure. There are vinyl covered hardboard panels in the clear strong shades that are fashionable, and the strip lighting gives excellent vision. Among the advantages of self-service are that prices may be held down because a much larger volume of business can be coped with. A great deal of space is saved - records are displayed on racks, not stored. There's time for the customer to look around - no sales pressure: though, of course, help and advice in choosing are willingly given if requested. The shop has music to suit all tastes.”



203 George Street AB25 1HY Aberdeen / Scotland
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