I found this advert on page 40 of 'Music Week' dated August 19th 1978:
“PECKHAM'S BEST RECORD SHOP FOR SALE. Expectant mother is forced to sell her business. Fantastic shop in a prime high street multiple position, with living accommodation above. 20 year lease. Good turnover. Up-to-date stock. No price-cutting. No competition. Turnover 1977: £71,500. Plenty of scope for expansion. Price £20,000 o.n.o. plus S.A.V. Apply to Mr Bacal, Centaville Records, 86 Rye Lane, Peckham, London SE 15. Tel 01-639-7980.”
“PECKHAM'S BEST RECORD SHOP FOR SALE. Expectant mother is forced to sell her business. Fantastic shop in a prime high street multiple position, with living accommodation above. 20 year lease. Good turnover. Up-to-date stock. No price-cutting. No competition. Turnover 1977: £71,500. Plenty of scope for expansion. Price £20,000 o.n.o. plus S.A.V. Apply to Mr Bacal, Centaville Records, 86 Rye Lane, Peckham, London SE 15. Tel 01-639-7980.”