I found this piece in the 'Ulster Star' dated 6th December 1996: “The Box Office is located at CD Heaven in the Spires Centre (01232 235244).”
... and this in the 'Belfast News-Letter' dated 3rd December 1997: “CD Heaven manager, Paul Chapman, also described sales as disappointing: “There was quite a strong interest in first day sales but nothing phenomenal.”
... plus this snippet in the 'Sunday Life' dated 30th August 1998: “Because of the difficulty over parades in this country, I had to apply to the police for a ruling on my own parade.” said Laurence, owner of record shop CD Heaven in Belfast.”
... and this in the 'Belfast News-Letter' dated 3rd December 1997: “CD Heaven manager, Paul Chapman, also described sales as disappointing: “There was quite a strong interest in first day sales but nothing phenomenal.”
... plus this snippet in the 'Sunday Life' dated 30th August 1998: “Because of the difficulty over parades in this country, I had to apply to the police for a ruling on my own parade.” said Laurence, owner of record shop CD Heaven in Belfast.”