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Name: John Kruse.
Comment: ​Casa Disco was at the top of the Peel Square part of Pitt Street, just before the turn into Wellington Street, and rival shop Scene and Heard was a few doors further down facing up Market Hill. Both were the 'trendy' younger record shops for those (in the 1970s) searching for those more unusual or specialist releases. They were a bit dark and a bit intimidating to the younger teen and, because they were smaller and more cramped, maybe not as prepared to put up with schoolkids endlessly leafing through the racks, chatting, and buying nothing. You could get away with that sort of loafing in Boots and WH Smiths because they were so much bigger and more impersonal.
(13 September 2016)

Name: David Backhouse
Comment: Loved this shop. So many happy memories of waiting outside for it to open on the day a new Queen record was released. They got so used to me that from 1989 Steve, who worked there, used to give me promotional material after they'd finished with it rather than throw it in the bin. I'm eternally grateful for that!

Dave Harwood
17 Oct 2024 at 03:05
I found this advert in the 'South Yorkshire Times and Mexborough & Swinton Times' dated 1st August 1970: “CASA-DISCO, PEEL SQUARE, BARNSLEY. BARNSLEY'S NEW RECORD SHOP. Great Opening Offers: ELVIS - JIM REEVES – OLIVER - SOUND OF MUSIC from 25/-. Over 2,000 records for all tastes. LARGE SELECTION OF CASSETTES AND T.C.8 CARTRIDGES. Demonstrations on Superb Stereo Equipment.”
... and this dated 23rd January 1971:
“COMMENCING TODAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd - BIG REDUCTIONS ON TOP PRICE L.P.'s including C.B.S. Stereo, Elvis, Jim Reeves, etc. at CASA DISCO, 10 PEEL SQUARE, BARNSLEY. Tel.: 87981.”



Peel Square S70 Barnsley / South Yorkshire
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