( March 10, 2016) Buy Or Die was a tiny record shop in Drummond Road, Croydon, on a corner location previously occupied by Wilson’s bakery. As you entered the door on the right there were CD racks along the wall up to the counter at the back. There was an island rack in the middle of the shop for vinyl LPs and more CD racks against the window and left-hand wall. I bought several Blue Note CDs from them dated 1999 including an unissued session by Grant Green, my favourite jazz guitarist. I always checked their racks for new stock right up until they closed and the shop became ‘Reggae Masters’. Dave Harwood
Until Reggae Masters moved recently (they are now where for eyes opticians was, which was memory lane before that) the "resevered parking for buy or die" sign was still in the car park and remained there, and each time I went past there I would recall fond memories of buy or die. I bought a rare Kenny Rogers CD there once, for example. It was only after Reggae Masters moved the now current owners of the place removed that sign (boo!)
Rob Spencer