I found this piece in the 'Western Evening Herald' dated 29th May 1998:
“A Bigga prize - COMPETITION alert! What’s On Now, together with independent Plymouth record shop Bigga Records, teamed up for a quickie quiz. The Looe Street shop, which specialises in drum’ n’ bass, hip-hop, dub and big-beat, is offering a tasty promo triple-vinyl copy of the Logical album 3.”
... and this in the 12th June 1998 edtion:
“LUCKY Guy Bell will be dancing to a different beat this weekend - he’s won a lovely new record. Guy correctly surmised the initials of top drum ‘n’ bass supremo Buckem are LTJ in our quiz a couple of weeks ago. So he can now go to Bigga Records on Looe Street (opposite the Arts Centre) on the Barbican to claim his new album.”
“A Bigga prize - COMPETITION alert! What’s On Now, together with independent Plymouth record shop Bigga Records, teamed up for a quickie quiz. The Looe Street shop, which specialises in drum’ n’ bass, hip-hop, dub and big-beat, is offering a tasty promo triple-vinyl copy of the Logical album 3.”
... and this in the 12th June 1998 edtion:
“LUCKY Guy Bell will be dancing to a different beat this weekend - he’s won a lovely new record. Guy correctly surmised the initials of top drum ‘n’ bass supremo Buckem are LTJ in our quiz a couple of weeks ago. So he can now go to Bigga Records on Looe Street (opposite the Arts Centre) on the Barbican to claim his new album.”