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Action Records is a music shop and independent record label based in Preston, England, releasing records by bands such as The Boo Radleys, Dandelion Adventure, Big Red Bus, Genocides, Tompaulin, Fi-Lo Radio, Monkey Steals The Drum, Ricky Spontane amongst others. Their biggest project so far has been withThe Fall and Mark E Smith as a solo performer.

Have always thought I could live in Preston, if only for the brilliant Action on Church Street. Comment: Maninshed

Good to see Action Records in Preston getting a mention - shaped my interest in Dance music back in the early 90's. Didnt even have individual listening stations when I started going in so you had to get the girl behind the counter to play the tune for you. She treated you the same whether you were a DJ or, like me at the time, a kid playing records in his room. Good to know its still going. Comment: myexcuse

Another mention for Action Records in Preston. I spent a lot of my late teenage years in there spending my not very disposable late 80's income. Along with the bus station it's about the only thing Preston has produced since it's heyday in the industrial revolution and if it was in some groovy metropolis it would be one of the coolest places on the planet. Was glad to see it's still there when I drove past the other day. Comment: altwenid

It was sad when Blackpool's shop on Church Street closed - (like Sinfonia on Cookson Street run by Sandy Mountain also not mentioned on this page?). Still 'Action' is the jewel in Preston's crown!
Martyn Cain

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46 Church Street Preston / Lancashire

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