Dave Harwood
28 Nov 2023 at 11:53
I found this advert in the 'Daily Mirror' dated 12th June 1965: “SHAWS Department Store 103-119 Waterloo Rd., London, S.E.1. Tel. WAT 3388 (60 lines); Stockwell Road, London. S.W.9. Tel. BRI 6251 (Ext. 26).”
Alison Whelband
11 Mar 2024 at 08:43
My real dad worked at this store a few years ago, his name was Ronnie Langridge, he was a security guard.
A-Z prev: Shattered Records
A-Z next: Sheard's - The Leisure Hour Shop
Name: Jill Kear née Chambers
Comment: I bought records when the shop opened on Waterloo Bridge Road. I was given two premium bonds. Today (9 January 2016) I have received a cheque for £25. Thank you Shaws!
(9 January 2016)