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Name: Scott Clark
Comment: This shop was - and probably still is - run by a guy called Dave Morgan. It was mainly a second-hand place that would get new releases in that he knew there was a market for, or you could order records. It's still there amazingly and I presume is still the same, cold but with great treasure within its racks.


Dave Harwood
09 Apr 2024 at 01:26
I found this advert in the 'Wolverhampton Express & Star' dated 18th February 1982: “RECORDS WANTED - 50's, 60's, 70's, good condition only, top prices paid, will collect, large collections - Telephone 764694 evenings or bring them to Time Machine Records, 19 Queen Street, Wolverhampton.”
Mark Lawrence
04 Nov 2024 at 10:23
I remember Time Machine in Wolverhampton when it was in Lichfield Passage, a little alleyway down the side of the art gallery. It was an amazing place and helped steer my music tastes through my mid to late teens. I spent a small fortune in there, on some great stuff (and some less than great stuff!). Reliably quality records always, and the guy who ran it (don't know his name) always kinda reminded me of Charles Manson, although that may be my memory playing tricks!
Dave Harwood
04 Nov 2024 at 01:52
I found this advert in the 'Wolverhampton Express & Star' dated 8th October 1986:
“RECORDS WANTED, Progressive, Rock, Punk, New-wave, Blues, Folk — Time Machine Records, 22 Lichfield Passage, Wolverhampton 20545.”
... and this in the 7th January 1992 edition:
“RECORDS AND CONCERT Programmes wanted. Time Machine Records, 22 Lichfield Passage. Wolverhampton 20545.”



19 Queen Street WV1 3JW Wolverhampton / West Midlands
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