Owned by drummer Ted Potter. The Croydon branch I know very well, as I too was a local drummer in the 1960’s. They definitely sold records up to the 1970’s as I bought several jazz LPs there, dated 1969, along with some drumsticks. Dave Harwood.
Steve Potter, son of Ted Potter, who was drummer for a while in Lennie Best's quartet in the 1960s, grew up with Lennie's family and via family members adds a bit of background: "Lennie was the manager of Potter's Music Shop in Kingston. My parents had three shops. The main one was in Croydon which they ran, my uncle ran the one in Richmond and Lennie ran the Kingston one for a while. That would have been in the early sixties.
This is from ‘Eel Pie Memories’ at this link:
Also mentions Gerry Potter, who must have been the uncle of Steve Potter (see above):
“Neil shared a flat in Twickenham at one time with Eric Clapton (still known as Eric Clapp) who was trying to learn the guitar from old blues records in Gerry Potter's record shop on Richmond Hill.”
Unfortunately, I can’t find the address of the Kingston branch. Dave Newton, who joined the Croydon branch in 1962, refers to it in Chris Groom’s book: “We also had the little shop over at Kingston, and quite a few bands would come in there – The Nashville Teens and The Kinks were customers, in fact we had a guy called Andy White who used to teach Mick Avory how to play the drums.”
Name Richard Newman Comment: I got my first guitar from Gerry Potter and also my musical education. I was a regular and built my Blues album collection through that shop.Also I met Johny Joyce there, who repaired guitars in the basement. John was a great 12 string guitarist and through him I met Brian Knight and Geoff Bradford who where two of the founders of the London Blues scene and we all ended up on Capital Radios Night Flight. I later produced albums by all of them. For a kid out of a council estate in Battersea, who had moved to Richmond in 1967, Potters Music Shop and One Stop Records, were for me a doorway to another life. ( Oct 28, 2016).
I am Joy Wilcox nee Potter. My parents, Albert Potter and my mother Gladys Hay, daughter of Will Hay bought the premises at 7 Southend Croydon. My brother Ted Potter and his wife Jean and my father ran the shop.
Dad had been a musician all his life and taught my brother about restringing bows and drum skins etc and the value of instruments. We sold records. I was at the Croydon art school and worked every weekend and holiday in the shop. We lived above.
We had so many wonderful customers. Including Roy Hudd who was beginning his career in show business.
We did have the booths to listen to the music. My brother made them by lining them with egg boxes for the sound insulation.
We also had lessons for guitar by Steve Benbow, and trumpet. It was a magical place.
I did the window displays. I was also involved when Potters Music Shop Initiated a concert at Croydon’s Fairfield Hall
Called Music is Fun. To involve young people to learn to play instruments. We, Potters would hire them out to schools so everyone could have the chance to play. My late husband and myself designed the exhibition and all the graphics.
Potters was indeed very special.
Joy Wilcox.
My father and Ted Potter played in The Diamond Trio totter along with my mum Doreen and Bobby Richards. I believe Ted Potter was my godfather.
Jill Franco
… and this advert in the 4th September 1959 edition: “POTTER'S MUSIC SHOP 7 South End, CROYDON. Tel: CROYDON 7961 for all * MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS * SHEET MUSIC * RECORDS * RECORD PLAYERS * INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED BY EXPERT CRAFTSMEN. A Large Selection of Secondhand instruments and Records. ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOMED.”
“That painting is my childhood,” reflects Tony, who was 13 in '63. A second painting on the back cover, reveals that we are looking at Potters Music Shop, next to a zebra crossing on a typical English High Street. “Potters Music Shop was a real store in South Croydon,” remembers Tony. “It was where I went to buy records, guitars, plectrums, strings and sheet music. For me, that was what was unique about the idea of a '60s record store... the records were just part of what you bought. You also bought all the materials to make your own music. Many people today find it hard to accept that just selling records like 'With the Beatles' would not have supported their business. There were far fewer people who bought these records than people today realise. In '63 I was buying the Mersey sound and Bob Dylan.” Tony goes on to explain that the only part of the painting that is inaccurate is his depiction of the proprietor, behind the counter, who appears to disapprove of his young clientele: “Mr. Potter, if that was his name, was a very nice chap.”