Name: sugarbutty
Comment: Oz Records was one of the must-visit places on our weekly trips down the town and where I bought my first ever album, Santana III, the gatefold cover with the man with the outstretched hand. I bought a lot more from there but, sadly, the place is no more. It was always such a warm, welcoming place where we listened to so much.
Comment: They had great bags!
(12 April 2013)
Name: James Hennessey
Comment: I always used to look forward to my visits to Oz Records, I bought Hawkwind's A Space Ritual there, I sat in the old bus seats listening to it before buying, Happy Times.
(23 July 2017)
Name: chevvies
Comment: Oz Records was where I bought the first Roxy Music album. Their window was a full display of what would now be regarded as classics, and behind the counter, lovely female assistants. Wish I had a time machine.
“OZ RECORDS offer you cheap records and tapes, a new décor, comfort, hot drinks, comfy coach seats, good sounds, nice atmosphere. Why not come to: OZ RECORDS, 87 WESTGATE ROAD, NEWCASTLE for the best in albums and tapes at the best prices.”
... and this piece in the 'Newcastle Journal' dated 5th August 1977: “SHED a tear for your friendly, neighbourhood record shop owner. Cut-throat competition and shortness of spending money is making life very difficult for him. Which is why the region's smaller ones are disappearing, leaving the big city dealers and the stores to do battle over a cold economic wind blowing through the music business. Barry Mackay closed his Oz Records shop on Newcastle's Westgate Road in March. One of the reasons he gave was that he wanted to concentrate on other music interests, but the state of the record industry was also a factor, he told us.”