Melody Maker 1958
Name of Company: CRAMER (BRIXTON) LIMITED. Nature of Business: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, RADIO, TELEVISION EQUIPMENT. Address of Registered Office: 4A Acre Lane, London S.W.2. Liquidator's Name and Address: Philip Monjack, 3-4 Bentinck Street, London W.I. Date of Appointment: 20th July 1976. By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors.
A-Z prev: J.A.T
A-Z next: J.B. Galbraith
“From time to time I have mentioned in these columns the names of various firms who enter in the grand style for the gramophone enthusiast, but I have not yet mentioned Messrs: J. B. Cramer and Company, of 4a, Acre Lane, Brixton, S.W.2. It may interest readers to know that Messrs. Cramer offer records now taken out from the catalogues and discontinued makes of ten-inch records at a shilling each, but if you want these records you must go to Brixton and get them.”