Name: David O'Byrne
Comment: Gordons was another Stockport shop which sold Punk/New Wave records. They mainly sold mainstream/chart stuff, and didn’t keep a huge stock so it was always worth checking their discount box for reduced items. Picked up several now very rare items here for pennies. I guess it closed around the mid-1980s.
(29 November 2016)
A-Z prev: Gordon Foster's Record Shop
A-Z next: Gordons/Gordon Johnston
“GORDONS RECORDS req. full time ASSISTANT, knowledge of contemporary music essential, aged 17-20; refs. reqd., gd. wages and conds. Tel.: 273 1908.”
... and this information from the webpage at this link:
“Record shop with three branches. The tiny Stockport branch was at 106 Prince's St. Reasonable selection of Rock / New wave.”
... and this information from the webpage at this link:
“Gordons (University Precinct, Oxford Road, Manchester, where The Phoenix is/was).”