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Name: Steve Richards
Comment: As I lived just around the corner I used to go to Dinosaur Discs every other Saturday in the early 1980s. The shop was run by a guy who was in (UK) Deadbeats (they released one single on Red Rhino).

Dinosaur Discs had a great selection of DIY/indie post punk records. My main interest was 45s and I would spend a couple of hours looking at the entire stock then buying about 10 or so based on what I’d read about/heard or simply by the name of the band or the look of the cover. I seem to remember that most covers were in black and white.

Dinosaur Discs had their own record label and released singles by Empire featuring ex-Generation X members Bob Andrews & Mark Laff and Dawn Patrol among others.

I’m not sure how long the shop lasted but it was probably only two or three years.
(8 September 2014)


Peter Watson
11 Jun 2023 at 07:48
My first bedsit was round the corner when I was 18. Spent a lot of time there 1980/81. I was involved in making a film called True Romance, Etc. and we used it as a location. The film is on the BFI player for anyone who’d like to have a look:
Dave Harwood
03 Feb 2025 at 06:50
I found this article on page 21 of 'Music Week' dated June 21st 1980: “A new outlet for small labels: SONGWRITERS David Skillin and Micky Stubbs, who formed their own record label Dinosaur Discs four months ago, have now decided they need their own retail outlet in London, not only for their own product but for all small labels. Skillin and Stubbs would like to hear from all small labels, bands and managers who would like Dinosaur Discs (record shop) to stock and retail their releases, past and present. "Our aim is to stock one of every listed release shown in the small label catalogue and bring the very important product of all small labels into London," says Skillin. "The stocking of the shop will be based on a sale or return system and all payment due to the small label as a result of sales will be treated with expediency to promote good-will between all parties and furthermore show that we have a genuine interest in helping small labels with small budgets." Dinosaur's new premises in West Kensington, opposite the Nashville Room, will incorporate a 16-track studio (Alvic), to be opened the end of June, and the shop, which should be in full swing by the middle of July. "Window space will be available to any small label's band playing in London and the shop will feature the band's record and gig for one week, commencing with the gig. As we'll be situated virtually opposite the Nashville Room, it is hoped to promote artists, records and gigs direct from the Nashville or any other London club that is interested." Contact David Skillin and Micky Stubbs at (01)385 8244 or Dinosaur Discs, 17 Barons Court Road, London W14. (01)736 0257.”



17 Barons Court Road W14 9DP Barons Court / London
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