I found this notice in the 'Huddersfield Daily Examiner' dated 19th April 1995: “THE following planning applications have been submitted to Kirklees Council - Badlands Records: roller-shutter blinds (within conservation area), 19 Imperial Arcade, Huddersfield.”
... and this piece in the 23rd September 1998 edition: “Not that everyone’s a believer, Matt Wood of Huddersfield’s Badlands record shop is unconvinced. He said: “There have been a few 80s compilation albums released but people buy them for a bit of a laugh.”
... plus this listing in the 26th March 1999 edition: “Tickets from: Badlands Records, Imperial Arcade and Fulcrum Records, Cross Church Street.”
... and this piece in the 23rd September 1998 edition: “Not that everyone’s a believer, Matt Wood of Huddersfield’s Badlands record shop is unconvinced. He said: “There have been a few 80s compilation albums released but people buy them for a bit of a laugh.”
... plus this listing in the 26th March 1999 edition: “Tickets from: Badlands Records, Imperial Arcade and Fulcrum Records, Cross Church Street.”